Overview: Welcome to the repository for my web development projects! This repository contains a collection of web applications and websites that I have developed to showcase my skills in web development. Each project is unique and demonstrates different aspects of web development, including frontend design, backend functionality, database management, and more.
Project 1 - E-commerce Website: Description: A fully functional e-commerce website built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. This website allows users to browse products, add them to the cart, proceed to checkout, and make payments securely.
Project 2 - Blogging Platform: Description: A blogging platform developed with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Node.js. Users can create accounts, write blog posts, upload images, comment on posts, and interact with other users in a social-media-like environment.
Project 3 - Task Management Application: Description: A task management web application created using React.js and Node.js. This application enables users to create, update, delete, and organize their tasks in a user-friendly interface.
Project 4 - Portfolio Website: Description: A personal portfolio website showcasing my skills, projects, work experience, and contact information. Built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap framework for responsiveness.
Project 5 - Recipe Sharing Website: Description: A platform for sharing and discovering recipes, developed with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and MongoDB for database management. Users can browse recipes, filter by categories, and submit their own recipes.
Usage: Each project folder contains its own README file with detailed instructions on how to run the application locally or deploy it to a web server. Follow the instructions provided in each project’s README file to get started with the respective project.
Contributing: If you would like to contribute to any of the projects or report any issues, feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue on the GitHub repository. Contributions and feedback are always welcome!
Contact: If you have any questions or inquiries regarding any of the projects, feel free to contact me via email at mehtaaman8108@gmail.com or through the GitHub repository.
Thank you for exploring my web development projects repository. Happy coding!